
Monday, February 3, 2014

January Big Doings Report, Pt. II

Identity Projectscomplete projects
Identity Exhibitionsrehearse
Athletics & PEplan travel (U of M, Eastern, AAA); identify Ann Arbor school for AAA
Place out of Timeselect character
Lit Publicationsedit explorers selections; decide format; select identity pieces
Work Crewssecond rotation
Americanssingle project (5-8)
Student Gov'tset goals; survey; Robert's rules of order
Detroitdetermine itinerary
Cities Booksselect and begin reading six Cities novels; create coursepack
Spring Tripweb research & calls

The pace of the Lit Publications work slowed in January, one concession to the truncated schedule, given the looming cold deadlines of Exhibitions. Writing Workshop time has been devoted to key exercises, developed by Jason, on particular areas of the craft, with work time following, both on the exercise at hand and on other student work. The week of February 10-14 will be largely devoted to bringing these projects up to speed. We also have time set aside in early February to work with our friends from U of M's Sweetland Writing Center.

The kids have made a smooth rotation into the next round of Work Crews. Here are the current assignments:

Books: MikeDan & Saara Crane
Greenhouse: Jianmarco & SaulDr. George
Kindergarten PE: JonathanShan Cook
Maya & Aristea
James Collins
Recycling & Kitchen: Trent, Nico & LilyNick Taylor 
1-2 Homeroom: RyanElaine Neelands
Office: DenaliKaren Bayoneto
1-2 Music: IsobelJosh Grekin
postponed till spring
The project on American Identity is, at present, being hatched in the 5-6 Humanities class. It will be driven by the work I do on Wednesdays with Jason and Sam's homeroom group, with additional material drawn from the Infinite Mirror exhibit at the university. Here's the exhibit.

Student government has met twice, and begun work on a middle school survey and on goal-setting, but I postponed two meetings in order to make up some lost time on project work.

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