
Monday, October 8, 2012

Portfolios and Pay-Offs


The Q1 Portfolio will be a collection of work from the first quarter of the academic year (roughly September and October). The work done thus far is the bedrock of the portfolio, but there is a lot of work to be done to shape it into the right condition. This will be the focus of our work over the next two weeks: taking the work we have begun and honing it. 

Over the week of October 8-12, that will mean deepening and formalizing six key elements:
1)      the Farm-to-Table project
2)      the earlier writing on Mesopotamia and the Neolithic Revolution
3)   the assembly of a personal library (books read independently, such as Salt)
4)      reflections on The Red Pony and Gilgamesh
5)      work with Dr. George on nutrition
6)   math projects, Singapore and Khan work, and/or games

Monday's work comprises our next steps in organizing the work we’ve already done, identifying what will be required to make it portfolio-worthy, and planning our schedule for the next two weeks in order to get this done.

A distinction will be made between the steamer trunk, collected in the Digication site--i.e., everything we've done--and the lovely best-of assemblage that will be featured in the end-of-quarter Autumn Pay-Off.

Speaking of which . . . . . 


The Autumn Pay-Off will be the demonstration of a sampling of student work to a panel of peers and adults. These will occur in the first Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of November. (Another, similar event will occur in the spring.)

Here, each student will display your portfolio and teach two lessons.

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