
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Outer Space, Fires, and the Violent Past

Literature circles continue to provide intriguing subplots. Some of them are in the books and some in the groups, as students take on different roles and push work and conversations in new directions. The books are certainly a hit. We had a student visit SK last week and read through two of the books over the course of the day, using our homeroom time to bury his nose in Red Scarf Girl and Life As We Knew It.

The students have begun to branch out from the collective work of the common Google Doc, with its growing aggregation of questions, answers, predictions and artwork. Last week saw the first purely individual assignment. The kids were asked to assign themselves a piece of writing related to their books. Most chose creative work, like diary entries from characters, or newspaper articles; some chose brief reviews or theatrical adaptations of scenes. Each student will produce two more such assignments before the final projects are produced in late February.

Each group has been assigned a faculty consultant for the final project. Those advisors are:
George Albercook: Life As We Knew It
Tracy Gallup: The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
Imogen Giles: Island of the Blue Dolphins
Joanna Hastings: My Brother Sam Is Dead
Fan Wu: Red Scarf Girl
Val Tibbs-Wynne: Fahrenheit 451

More to come on the nature of the final projects, including times and dates for these presentations--likely to come after Exhibitions for the sixth, seventh and eighth graders, and the February mid-winter break.

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