
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Ryan and Saul: Friends School Exhibition

Mike and Isobel wrote some notes on our second Detroit Exhibition, held by Saul and Ryan at the Friends School of Detroit.

Karl started it out with the usual introduction, partly for the benefit of Bryan Baker, the Friends PE teacher who joined us. Then the boys took center stage in Friends School's small gym. They started the lesson with an explanation about what Friends School did, and a brief history. This soon turned to a Q&A about Quaker values and the school's population. 

The boys ended this with the activity portion. For the activity, they did a survey on what we thought Summers-Knoll and Friends School should collaborate on. Ideas included artistic, athletic, academic, and social events. After the survey was handed in, Saul resumed question time while Ryan crunched the results. 

Ryan then proceeded to explain the results, which included a few new suggestions like faculty collaborations and combined field trips. The boys had the idea that we might start light, with attendance at each other's events, and then begin to work toward actual collaborations, like Music Cafes. To conclude the Exhibition, they took a final round of questions.

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